OS&E Procurement in China

Wir sind Beschaffungsspezialisten für Hotelbedarf und OS&E in China.
Wir nutzen die Vorteile wettbewerbsfähiger chinesischer Preise und liefern nur hochwertige Hotel- und Restaurantausstattungen.


Was ist OS&E?

Die Abkürzung OS&E steht für den englischen Ausdruck „Operating Supplies and Equipment“ und beschreibt sämtliche Dinge in einem Hotel, welche Gebrauchsgegenstände darstellen (z.B. Handtücher, Leintücher, Föhn, etc.). Es stellt einen essenziellen Teil in der Operation eines kommerziellen Projektes dar, gerade im Gastgewerbe. Im Gegensatz zu FF&E sind Gegenstände, die unter OS&E fallen, kleiner, werden in der Regel außerhalb des Standorts hergestellt und müssen nicht installiert werden. Diese Produkte sind oft "ab Lager" erhältlich und können bequem aus Katalogen ausgewählt werden.

Das Spektrum von OS&E ist breit gefächert und umfasst eine Reihe von Produkten, die fließend zwischen Front-of-House-Artikeln und wichtigen Back-of-House-Anlagen übergehen. Es umfasst sehr vieles, vom ästhetisch ansprechenden Geschirr, das Ihre Essbereiche schmückt, über kunstvoll gewebte Bettwäsche, die den Komfort in Ihren Gästezimmern erhöht, bis hin zum makellosen Silberbesteck, das Ihren Tischen einen Hauch von Eleganz verleiht.

Es umfasst auch praktische Dinge wie Uniformen für das Personal, verschiedene Haushaltsgeräte und wichtige technische Hilfsmittel. Es erstreckt sich auch auf alle losen Küchen- und Waschgeräte, bequeme Betten und Matratzen.

Small yet significant details, like fuel, array of toiletries such as soap, shampoo, cleaning materials, everyday essentials like matches, napkins, stationery and other similar items, fall under the broad OS&E umbrella. These items, while seemingly insignificant in isolation, collectively contribute to the smooth functionality of your establishment and greatly enhance the user experience.

restaurant table with empty plates and utensils, ready for a delicious meal to be served.

Annehmlichkeiten im Gästezimmer

China stands as a global epicenter for sourcing guest room amenities, boasting an extensive range of products at competitive prices. Quality assurance is paramount when navigating the Chinese market; partnering with reputable suppliers is essential to guarantee guest satisfaction. Online marketplaces like Alibaba and Made-in-China.com offer convenient access to a plethora of suppliers and their offerings. Customization is a hallmark of Chinese manufacturing, enabling hotels to craft distinctive amenity packages aligned with their guests' preferences. Cultivating strong relationships with suppliers is key to ensuring a steady and reliable supply of high-quality guest room amenities.

Hotel room with bed, chair, and green pillows

Wäsche & Bettzeug

China has emerged as a dominant force in the global bedding and linen industry, offering an expansive range of products at competitive prices. From luxurious cotton sheets to durable microfiber pillows, Chinese manufacturers cater to diverse hotel preferences. While cost-effectiveness is a significant draw, meticulous quality control is essential to ensure the longevity and comfort of bedding and linen items. Online platforms and trade shows provide convenient avenues to connect with suppliers and inspect product offerings firsthand. To secure a competitive edge, many hotels opt for customization, allowing them to imprint their brand identity on bedding and linen ensembles.

luxurious display of plates and bowls on a beautifully set buffet table.


China has established itself as a global powerhouse in crockery and tableware manufacturing, offering a vast array of options from porcelain to stoneware at competitive prices. While cost-efficiency is a significant advantage, meticulous quality control is essential to ensure the durability and aesthetic appeal of these products. To meet diverse design preferences, many Chinese manufacturers excel in customization, allowing businesses to create unique tableware sets that align with their brand identity. Online platforms and trade shows serve as valuable resources for discovering potential suppliers and inspecting product quality firsthand.

Modern commercial kitchen with sleek stainless steel appliances for efficient cooking.

Küchen- & Restaurantausstattung

China has become a global hub for kitchen and restaurant supplies, offering a vast array of products at competitive prices. From stainless steel cookware to disposable tableware, the options are nearly limitless. While cost-effectiveness is a significant advantage, rigorous quality control is essential to ensure the durability and safety of these items. Many Chinese manufacturers offer customization options, allowing businesses to create unique kitchenware that reflects their brand identity. Online platforms and trade shows provide convenient avenues for sourcing kitchen and restaurant supplies, facilitating comparisons and negotiations with suppliers.

A trolley with neatly folded towels and various items.


China has emerged as a leading global supplier of cleaning equipment for hotels, offering a wide range of products from vacuum cleaners to laundry machines at competitive prices. Quality control is paramount when sourcing cleaning equipment in China, as durability and efficiency are essential for maintaining hotel cleanliness standards. Many Chinese manufacturers offer customization options to cater to specific hotel needs, such as branding equipment or tailoring it to specific room sizes. Online platforms and trade shows provide convenient access to a vast array of suppliers, allowing for efficient product comparison and negotiation. Building strong relationships with reliable suppliers is key to ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality cleaning equipment.

Pool maintenance equipment and accessories: brushes, nets, vacuum heads, chemicals, and test kits.


China has emerged as a significant global hub for pool equipment manufacturing, offering a wide range of products from filtration systems to pool furniture at competitive prices. Quality control is crucial when sourcing pool equipment in China, as durability and safety are paramount for ensuring guest satisfaction. Many Chinese manufacturers offer customization options to meet specific hotel requirements, allowing for tailored pool designs and equipment configurations. Online platforms and trade shows provide convenient access to suppliers and their product offerings, facilitating comparisons and negotiations. Building strong relationships with reliable suppliers is essential for securing a consistent supply of high-quality pool equipment.

Guangzhou hat die größten und bekanntesten Märkte für Hotel OS&E in ganz China

Besuchen Sie uns und Guangzhou und entdecken Sie die unendlichen Möglichkeiten für die Beschaffung von OS&E in China.

Champagne and flowers on bed tray

Strategically China OS&E Sourcing

The prospect of procuring OS&E supplies in China may initially seem daunting. Various factors need to be considered and coordinated, demanding substantial time and effort. For a complete OS&E package, coordination needs to occur across multiple suppliers. Quality inspections need to be conducted to ensure that the supplied products align with the expected standards.

Hinzu kommt der Aspekt der Kosteneffizienz. Es geht nicht nur darum, auf dem Papier Kosteneinsparungen zu erzielen, sondern sicherzustellen, dass diese Einsparungen nicht durch den Zeit- und Arbeitsaufwand für die Beschaffung überschattet werden. Die Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen kann die Beschaffung von OS&E in China zu einer komplexen Aufgabe machen.

Außerdem stellen sich am Anfang des Projekts verschiedene Fragen. Wo kann man verlässlich OS&E-Produkte aus China beschaffen? Wie schafft man das, ohne dabei Fristen oder Budgets zu überschreiten? Diese Fragen erschweren den Entscheidungsprozess und machen deutlich, wie wichtig es ist, einen zuverlässigen und erfahrenen Beschaffungspartner zu haben.

With expertise in the procurement field, Guangzhou Sourcing can alleviate these challenges. Our knowledge, network, and tested strategies ensure the OS&E procurement process in China is simplified and effective, ensuring timely delivery and exceptional quality. Through a harmonious blend of negotiation skills, stringent quality checks, and efficient coordination with suppliers, we maximize the cost and quality benefits of OS&E procurement for our clients. This allows your team to focus on core project functions, while we ensure smooth and reliable procurement operations.